Monday, January 5, 2009

Any change comes as a relief.

Listening to: Ben Harper - Diamonds on the Inside
Feeling: Relaxed
So tonight after some post-holiday shopping [candles, a gorgeous skirt and chic ornaments for my tree- for next year!] and eating a delicious turkey dinner cooked by my wonderful madre, I watched an old favorite with my parents, "Hook." After that, I caught the very tail-end of "Factory Girl" with Sienna Miller. Most of the reviews I've read say the movie is extremely dull, but then again, when have I ever listened to reviews? I'd like to watch the whole thing at some point. Edie Sedgewick's story is heartbreaking.
I also found "Suicide Club" online, which is quite exciting since I've wanted to finish that movie since I first saw the beginning of it three-something years ago. Something to share with my Purchase loves, I know they'll appreciate the gore.
My appointment today was ridiculous, I almost passed out. I wish I didn't get so freaked out, but I can't seem to help it. I will be so glad when this week is over.
I miss Purchase already, but I know there's still a few things I need to get in order before going back. It'll be nice when my head isn't such a blur from these drugs they gave me for the pain. I suppose they do help though, since I probably should be bored beyond belief. But I guess I just find this time, this break, absolutely necessary.

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