Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And let's head on down the road,

So here it is, the debut of my latest online blog. I've grown out of LiveJournal and I don't like how no one can comment on Tumblr, so I'm back to Blogger. I've actually been pretty absent from the internet for the past couple months due to my lack of being able to get online in my dorm room. The only time I am online is when I post up at Starbucks or the library for a few hours to do homework or upload pictures to Facebook. Though it isn't the most convenient, it's nice in a way, not being tied to the net quite as much as I used to be. I barely even check Myspace anymore.

I'm back at home in the 315 until Sunday for Thanksgiving Break. It hasn't even been 48 hours since I've arrived here and everything is just going so fantastically. So far I've seen my adorable niece, eaten awesome home-cooked food, found some really cute things at the Salvation Army for mad cheap, spent some "quality family time", almost peed from laughing so hard with Jackie, Kristen, Craig & Dana at Jackie & Dana's place. And all this is highlighted by the fact that my ipod seems to be synced with my moods; I've had such an amazing soundtrack playing in the background. What a great trip home already!

I'll update more tomorrow, but I felt the need to begin this writing endeavor tonight.


RooRooPants said...

welcome to the darkside.

LJ has gotten too immature, and well let's face it, blogger does it.

daytrippr said...
